Quality Policy

We Metal Touch Industries Limited are committed to provide products/services to the complete satisfaction of our customers. We shall achieve this by

  1. Providing high quality, customer first, better service, sustainable development, better price, people oriented and scientific innovation as the Zinc Oxide Manufacturer and Electrical Line Hardware manufacturer as well as related support services.
  1. Providing the most satisfactory of Zinc Oxide Manufacturer and Electrical Line Hardware r for our all customers.
  1. Complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system and applicable regulations.
  1. We will continually improve the effectiveness of our quality management system through periodic management reviews.
  1. Periodic management reviews ensure that our Quality Policy & Objective is reviewed for continuing suitability.
  1. We will maintain our operation within our financial goals and objectives to establish our competitive position in the market and meet needs and expectations of our entire Client.
  1. Continually improving our management system through setting up & complying with our quality objectives.
  1. Continual improvement of Quality Management System.
  1. Complying with all applicable statutory & regulations requirements.
  1. Receive and outside processed parts only when accompanied by appropriate certifications and inspection documentation.
  1. Accept only conforming products and services from suppliers.

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